These grab bags contain between $50 and $60 worth of retail product for a low low price! Bags do not generally contain duplicates of the same item, but multiple grab bags will have similar (but not identical) item assortments.
NEW! Batches of grab bag restocks will now randomly include a premium item such as a hair, vehicle or other higher priced desirable part. Usually 1 in 10 grab bags will contain this bonus item.
CURRENT BONUSES: $10 Chibi Chop Shop Gift Certificates found in 2 of the 23 grab bags!
Be aware that these grab bags contain overstock items and rarely contain hairs as they rarely are ever overstocked. These items are generally in good to very good condition and are all sold as is and are non-returnable.
Image shown is for example of what the bags might contain and do not necessarily represent the actual items, and do not represent the entirety of what is contained in the lot.