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Accessories collection updated

Due to some configuration issues, the accessories section was lacking a lot of products we have in stock. This oversight has been corrected and you should see a much larger selection of accessory items in that section now.

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Out Of Stock Signup changes

The plugin for our "notify me" option for out of stock items was updated and for the time being the option has moved to the bottom of each item page rather than next to the out of stock button as it was before. This should be temporary until I can adjust the code to put it back where it was before. Just wanted to let folks know that it's still on the pages, just in another spot.

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"Sell Your Stuff" Offers open once again

For a limited time we are once again offering to purchase your Nendoroid lots. We are putting priority on complete in box items vs random part lots, though we'll review any lot. Offers close quickly and without warning, so get your submissions in ASAP to get an offer.

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January Newsletter

Come and see the newsletter HERE

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Offers currently open!

We have opened the "Sell your stuff" form again for a limited time, so if you have stuff to sell, act now! Priority will be going to people selling small to medium sized collections of complete in box items over loose part lots just as a heads up.

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Canada Shipping Update

Canada shipping will resume on January 6th. Canada Post had some labor disputes that recently resolved but USPS paused all shipping to Canada to allow them time to resolve the back log from their strike. Order should resume being able to ship as of this date.

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Sales Tax Update as of Jan 1st

As of January 1st 2025, our platform provider will begin collecting and remitting all sales tax for any US State which has a sales tax. This unfortunate development will affect the end prices of our items at checkout even though we have no sales tax in Oregon. Thanks to the State of North Dakota and their lawsuit against Wayfair several years ago, the US Supreme court has ruled that any retailing selling out of state that meets a certain level of requirement will have to collect sales tax as if they are doing business in that state. We have up until this point been able to avoid collecting it ourselves but new regulation have apparently been put in place to require E-commerce platforms to shoulder this burden and it's now mandatory for all sales tax applied states.

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Offers Open Again!

For a limited time we are once again opening up the sell your stuff submission form, so if you are looking to sell, now is the time. The form will only be open so long as we have working funds to make purchases and it can last a week or two and then will go offline again for a short period while we work through the lots that were purchased.

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Hundreds of new pre-listing notification entries made!

Finally got caught up on the pre-order notification listings. Now you can sign up to get an email whenever a new product we have never carried before gets split for the first time. I just managed to get entries set up for everything post 2000 so you can sign up. If there are any missing entries in between, just let me know and I'll check to see if the item has been announced. As of today, any missing items have just not been announced yet.

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New flat rate shipping!

We just switched over to a cheaper flat rate shipping model for all our US based customers. Now all general orders will cost $6 flat rate for shipping ($8 for orders containing full box items). This is a great deal for you the customer and will save you quite a bit on shipping! Priority mail is still available at standard calculated rates

Hold order customers still utilize calculated shipping but receive their standard discount of $5 per $50 spent on product.

We are in the process of working on deals for international customers by setting up alternate shipping methods that may save you a few dollars on shipping rates, but that's still in progress. More info as that becomes available.

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